This is Cassie's latest hobby, she has learned crocheting and made a beanie and scarf for her build-a-bear dog,Mia.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Cassie's New Hobby
This is Cassie's latest hobby, she has learned crocheting and made a beanie and scarf for her build-a-bear dog,Mia.
Pumpkin Patch
First they had to decide on pumpkins, Cassie is in that, all small things are adorable stage, must be a 12yr old thing.
Looks like Megan has found her pumpkin, the question is, can she get it into the wagon without giving herself a hernia?
Aubrie has found her's too, and as usual giving her mom a funny face!

Now it's time for a little playing in the hay maze! It was a fun time for all! We love this halloween tradition.

Now it's time for a little playing in the hay maze! It was a fun time for all! We love this halloween tradition.
Arkansas Frogs!
Every time we visit my mom and dad, my girls fill buckets with frogs all day long. They love the frogs! So, when I went to AR in October, for Granny Mac's B-day, I told my Dad that my girls asked me to take some pictures of Grandpa's frogs while I was there.
These are the frogs he caught. They were waiting for me in the patio when mom and I got back from shopping. In the picture below you can see I let them go, but not before taking this picture for my girls! I think I'm going to print this one and put it up in their bathroom, since it is decorated in frogs!

Great-Grandma Mac turns 100 on Sunday, October 4, 2009
Imagine having 5 generations of your posterity gathered to celebrate you. I truly hope Great-Grandma had a good time, she seemed to. There is a sixth generation already on it's way, wow what a life!
I've been remiss is my duties, so I'm told, so I'm trying to rectify the situation by posting to our family blog. 
One night I bought hoagie buns and lunch meat, to make sandwiches for dinner. When the girls found out what I was planning for dinner they asked if they could make the sandwiches and do it Subway style at our bar. I thought it was a cute ideas so I gave the green light. They had a blast taking orders and making the sandwiches. They even decided to call their business Hanway's for Hansen done their way! It was loads of fun, and all I had to do was the clean-up, go figure.

One night I bought hoagie buns and lunch meat, to make sandwiches for dinner. When the girls found out what I was planning for dinner they asked if they could make the sandwiches and do it Subway style at our bar. I thought it was a cute ideas so I gave the green light. They had a blast taking orders and making the sandwiches. They even decided to call their business Hanway's for Hansen done their way! It was loads of fun, and all I had to do was the clean-up, go figure.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Puppet Show
The girls decided to do a puppet show for us tonight so we recorded it for the grandparents to see!!
Here it is enjoy!
Here it is enjoy!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Seeing SPOTS!
Our three girls have polka dot fever. They love anything with polka dots. They went so far as to ask their Grandpa (who's a painter by trade) to paint polka dots on their bedroom walls when he was visiting this last July. Mom said no, no, no! The thought of painting polka dots on their bedroom walls seemed too permanent. Their walls are still white because they can't agree on a color to paint them, oh, the pains of sharing a bedroom. So when I found these polka dot wall decal's at Target for a reasonable price I bought 96 polka dots and we had a blast putting them all over Meg and Aubrie's room. Aubrie told her Dad, "I put the ones on this wall, but then mommy moved them all" I know, I know seriously OCD, but that's me. I also got their magnet boards done for their room, so I took pictures of them and you can see all the dots.

Monday, August 3, 2009
New Do's.
The before pictures!
We didn't do any styling because we were just getting their hair cut, so they were O'naturale
We didn't do any styling because we were just getting their hair cut, so they were O'naturale
they each went with bangs. They actually got almost the same haircut, except Megan's hair is a lot thinner than Cassie's. Cassie had hers done first, then when it was Megan's turn, I started to tell the hair dresser how she wanted it and she said "No, I want it just like Cassie's". Needless to say Cassie wasn't too keen on the idea, but we convinced her they could never look exactly the same.
And never to be left out, Aubrie did not get her hair cut, but she had to have her picture taken too.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Gettin' Crafty
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Aubrie's T-Ball Team
The team, aren't they cute.
Batting, this one was a foul, but she made it to first with the next hit.
Aubrie running to first, check out our cute first base coaches, they are older sisters to two of the kids on the team.
From T-ball 2009 |
From T-ball 2009 |
From T-ball 2009 |
Yellowstone June 2009
Firehole falls.
Beautiful tree roots by the parking lot at Upper Basin. We're not supposed to go off the designated path but we couldn't resist this picture.
From Left to Right or (youngest to oldest) Aubrie, Megan and Cassie, at Old Faithful.
The rain didn't deter us too much here are the girls at the Fishing Bridge.
We actually saw a bear for the second time in Yellowstone, the first time we saw a bear cub eating bugs on a hillside up by the North Entrance.
From Yellowstone June 2009 |
From Yellowstone June 2009 |
From Yellowstone June 2009 |
From Yellowstone June 2009 |
From Yellowstone June 2009 |
New Shower
After taking a shower one day I noticed that the floor around the shower was flooded. A closer look showed that the liner had cracked right next to the drain. I caulked it the best I could but it kept leaking so we decided that it was time to get a new shower.
What it looked like before.
Doing the demo. Ain't she beautiful?
Here is the finished shower.
It took us a while to do and cost about $250 more then we wanted but we think it was worth it.
What it looked like before.
From Blog pics |
Doing the demo. Ain't she beautiful?
From Blog pics |
From Blog pics |
From Blog pics |
From Blog pics |
From Blog pics |
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