Monday, May 24, 2010

Jeana's internal struggles!

Have you ever seen that episode of Myth Busters where they tested whether or not fecal matter gets onto the things in your bathroom when you flush the toilet? Well I did and it has forever scarred me. According to this episode when you flush with the lid up there is fecal matter emitted into the air and rests on the things in your bathroom, like for instance your toothbrush. Since watching this I always put the lid down before I flush the toilet and I cannot leave things in the bathroom that are not meant to stay in the bathroom, for instance magazines or books. This brings me to my internal struggle if I do not allow reading materials to be in the bathroom then what am I to do when I find that what I thought was a quick trip to the bathroom turns out to need more time than I allotted. I found my self in this very conundrum this morning and was home alone with no one to call out to, to bring me something to peruse, while I awaited this call of nature to resolve itself. I suppose it is time to reevaluate my convictions and decide, which is better sitting quietly with my thoughts (which results in this ridiculous diatribe), or allowing reading material in my bathroom? Go ahead weigh in if you dare to have an opinion on this potty drivel.


  1. Bradley here, with several thoughts.

    First: You can have the reading material suppository be right outside the bathroom door. That way you can grab something on your way in, and put it back on your way out. The book may be in the bathroom when the toilet it flushed, but it will not be in the room when the "poop mist" settles.

    Second: You can get a covered container to hold your deification time entertainment material. Keep it by the toilet, by the sink, it doesn't matter. The lid of the container is the thing that will get tainted by the atmospheric corruption and the book will stay nice and clean within. But. . . you still have to touch the lid with your hands! EEW!! Just be sure to wash once you close that lid. But remember, the sink is covered with fecal matter as well. so wash twice. but the towels are contaminated as well!! And the door knobs! And the carpet outside the bathroom door! and anywhere the air in the bathroom can get! Like, if you have central air, and the intake is right by the bathroom, and your seemingly innocent air conditioner is taking the tainted bathroom breeze and spreading it over the WHOLE HOUSE!!!!

    which leads me to my third point: Ignore it. No one has ever gotten sick, went to the doctor, and the doctor said "your sick because your toilet shoots out a poo cloud every time you flush." The body's immune system is a wonderful thing. It can and will protect you from the minute amount of yuckyness that the scenario causes. Just wash your hands afterwords, and every thing will be just fine.

  2. Leave it to you to point out every thing I didn't think of that is getting the poop mist on it, I guess I'll just blow up my house! ha ha!

  3. Rachel here:
    I have a whole bunch of magazines you can have. You could just read them in there and then throw them away! Hee! Hee!
